Individual Project module is a core module in the BEng(Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering/BEng Electronic and Communications Engineering programmes and forms a capstone experience for the courses. This major project is undertaken throughout the final year of the BEng programmes, allowing the students to research and study in depth a topic in a related engineering sub-discipline which is of personal interest, thus allowing them to demonstrate their ability to
– Analyse and evaluate relevant subject areas previously covered in the course.
– Acquire and appraise new knowledge related to the project.
– Show willingness to apply individual judgement to new problems.
– Apply creativity and show intellectual input.
– Show organisational capability (through arranging meetings with supervisors, setting project goals and meeting appropriate deadlines).
– Communicate with others (through completing reports and a log book, as well as presenting a seminar and producing a display poster for the project).
Professionally this module allows the students, to show high levels of responsibility and organisational capability (through arranging meetings with supervisors, setting project goals and meeting appropriate deadlines) as well as demonstrating effective communication with others (through completing reports and a log book, as well as presenting a seminar and producing a display poster for the project). Furthermore the module encourages the students to recognise, question and deal with the ethical dilemmas that are likely to occur in Engineering professional practice and research. Furthermore this module provides the students with an opportunity to further enhance the independence and employability skills industry is looking for in its graduate engineers, especially those seeking professional recognition.
Lecturers – Prof. Sisil Kumarawadu | Dr. Logeeshan Velmanickam